

Amsterdam | Ibis Schiphol Airport Hotel


The Critical Messaging Association welcomes anyone involved in the critical messaging industry to join.

Please contact via contact page.


11 - 13 Sep 2024



#CMAamst24 „Communication embedded in Users‘ Processes.“

Communication is not everything, but without communication everything is nothing. For a long time now, communication solutions have been better and better integrated into the user’s applications. Let’s talk about it.

Conference Place of Venue:
Ibis Schiphol Airport Hotel.
Special Rates available.

Deadline for contributions: July 15th

Early Bird Conditions: August 5th. End of Working Day CET.


The pricing is organized in two modules with singular prices. There is also an Early Bird discount until August 5th. End of Working Day CET. Be quick and check this out, it’s worth it.

Sep. 11th – 13th
Incl. three breaks, midday lunch, one Evening Dinner and Boat Cruise on Sep. 12th.

Regular prices
320 € (1st participant of an organisation)
220 € (each following participant)
50% discount for CMA members

Early Bird
75% (each participant)
0 € for CMA members

*Remark: As last years we trust in sponsorship from our friends. Otherwise it will be difficult to mamange this price level.

Sep. 13th (morning)
Incl. Warm up. Exchange
Guided Tour in World Famous Amsterdam Musee VanGogh. Intro
Meeting Point: Place of Conference (Hotel). Bus. City Guide.

Regular price
80 € (each participant)

Early Bird
75% (each participant)
50% (of the Early Bird price for CMA members)

*Remark: As last years we trust in sponsorship from our friends. Otherwise it will be difficult to mamange this price level.

Hourly Schedule

11th to 13th September 2024 in Amsterdam

Sep 11th
We will start at 4 p.m. afternoon with a short reviewing and focus setting session. After: who likes: joint dinner.
Sep 12th
After working conference day boat trip in beautyful Amsterdam and Joint Dinner.
Sep 13th
So far „only“ mandatory, but convincing: „Communication needs Impressions. Secure Communication even more. What does need Impressionism?
Special guided tour and discussion and exchange in world leading VanGogh Museum, City of Amsterdam.

Agenda (draft among others)

Adoption and distribution of policy paper ‘Critical Messaging’.
Presentations with Focus on embedding the member solutions ‘Communication’ in applications of the user organisation.
Special item: Artificial Intelligence : a matter for us? !
Association members meeting.
(Re)vitalisation of two (more) technically oriented working groups:
Alerting and Warning. Overview. Who does what.
Radio voice solutions. New in the portfolio. (really?).