#CMASummit21 Industry


  • Brad Dye
    Brad Dye
    Paging and Wireless Messaging Consultant

    Editor of Wireless Messaging News, a free weekly newsletter about wireless messaging, located in Fairlielf, IL, USA

  • Dr. Dietmar Gollnick
    Dr. Dietmar Gollnick
    Chairman Critical Messaging Association

    Studied mathematics at Donetsk State University. Doctorate at University of Applied Sciences, Energy Institute, Moscow. PhD,
    Worked in various software development management positions, e.g. CEO of a Daimler IT division. After that with liberalisation of telecommunications in Special Mobile Radio (SMR) industry.
    CEO RegioKom Berlin/Deutschland. 2000: Co-founder of the e*Message Wireless Information Services Group. CEO.
    Participation in WGs of European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and Conférence Européenne des Administrations des Postes et des Télécommunications (CEPT)
    Since mid-1990s, various board functions in SMR associations (igb e.V. – Trunked Radio, PM e.V.- Professional Mobile Radio)
    Since 2017 Board of Directors ZOES (Future Forum Public Safety) at German Parliament Bundestag
    Since 2019 Chairman of worldwide CMA (Critical Messaging Association)

  • Dyann Heward-Mills
    Dyann Heward-Mills
    Founder and CEO HewardMills, Ethics Expert, Research and Innovation at European Commission

    HewardMills offers consultancy support to internal Data Protection Officers and acts as an outsourced DPO

  • Harald Pfurtscheller
    Harald Pfurtscheller
    CTO Swissphone Wireless AG
  • Herbert Saurugg
    Herbert Saurugg
    Internatoinaler Blackout- und Krisenvorsorgeexperte, Präsident der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Krisenvorsorge (www.gfkv.at)

    Internationaler Blackout- und Krisenvorsorgeexperte, Präsident der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Krisenvorsorge (GfKV), Autor zahlreicher Fachpublikationen sowie gefragter Keynote-Speaker und Interviewpartner zum Thema „ein europaweiter Strom-, Infrastruktur- sowie Versorgungsausfall (‚Blackout‘)“. Er beschäftigt sich seit 10 Jahren mit der steigenden Komplexität und Fragilität lebenswichtiger Infrastrukturen sowie mit den möglichen Lösungsansätzen, wie die Versorgung mit lebenswichtigen Gütern wieder robuster gestaltet werden kann. Er betreibt unter www.saurugg.net einen umfangreichen Fachblog und unterstützt Gemeinden, Unternehmen und Organisationen bei der Blackout-Vorsorge

  • Jan van der Wel
    Jan van der Wel
    CEO Technolution / TNL Group, Netherlands

    Founded Technolution / TNL in 1987 with three other enthusiastic techies. His bachelors degree studies were about mechanics, electronics en embedded software.
    In 1983 he graduated on the subject communication systems for home land security services, using Intel 8085 microprocessors. HIs first job was about systems engineering of greenhouse control systems that controlled the entire climate/ecosystem within these facilities including feeding and watering the crops.
    Technolution has grown to about 240+ bachelor and master degree skilled techies with offices in Europe and USA. They are passionated to design and build sound technical systems and products that include electronics, logic and software. Products and systems include advanced stand-alone products to complete national IoT based control systems that require governance based on legislation and (cyber) security

  • Oliver Schaloske
    Oliver Schaloske
    Asset-Management TechIT, Stromnetz Berlin GmbH

    Stromnetz Berlin steuert jeden Tag 24 Stunden das Stromnetz und sorgt dafür, dass überall so viel Strom zur Verfügung steht, wie benötigt wird. Gestaltung und Entwicklung des Netzes für eine sichere Stromversorgung in der Zukunft. Als Messstellenbetreiber Zurverfügungstellung digitaler Zähler sowie die Ablesung und die Abrechnung der Netzentgelte. Für das Land Berlin Betrieb der öffentlichen Straßenbeleuchtung und Beratung von Interessent*innen zu Elektromobilität, insbesondere der Ladeinfrastruktur.

  • Ron Wray
    Ron Wray
    Technical and Marketing Director at Multitone Electronics plc, UK

    Multitone Electronics PLC is an international telecommunications company with extensive experience in critical communications and infrastructure deployment. With UK manufacturing and logistics centres, Multitone specialises in the development and delivery of bespoke, highly resilient, integrated messaging solutions and critical communications.

  • Roy Pottle
    Roy Pottle
    Chairman and CEO of American Messaging Services LLC USA

    With over 35 years of experience, American Messaging is one of the largest critical messaging companies in the United States, and the largest privately-owned company focused exclusively on critical messaging

Digital Meeting


Digital Meeting


The Critical Messaging Association welcomes anyone involved in the critical messaging industry to join.

Please contact via contact page.


28 Oct 2021





#CMASummit21 “Industry”

Dear members, colleagues and friends,

On 28th October at 1pm CET our next #CMASummit21 Industry will take place online. We kindly like to invite you to join us at another exiting event where this time the focus will be on critical messaging in industry.

We especially like to talk about safe and secure information, coordination and alerting in industry. We have gathered experts from different countries and perspectives providing experience and innovation to discuss and analyse the topics mentioned.

Subjects as data protection, prevention of blackouts, switching of power distribution networks and the development of suitable devices and solutions will also be discussed.

Below you can see the agenda.

See you soon

Follow-Up Meeting, 22.11.2021 

As already mentioned, we unfortunately could not keep to our schedule – to much content – and therefore some contributions have been moved to next Summit – Event.  We would now like to present these presentations on 22.11. in a Follow-Up Event.

We would therefore like to invite you to participate in a Zoom meeting on 22.11. at 3 pm CET, in which we will provide you with the interesting information. Matters:

Blackout and Communications
Data Protection (Contrib. Requ.)
Mathematics as an important Sales Argument (, isn’t it)
and more

For participation please use https://critmsg.org/login and the login data you already know, or, if you have no login data, please register via the “Signup”-button.


The event is finished.

Hourly Schedule

CMASummit21 Industry

1.00 - 1.15
Critical Messaging Association
Dr. Dietmar Gollnick
1.15 - 1.35
Introducing AMSConnect
American Messaging Association
Roy Pottle
1.35 - 1.55
Solutions for industry and how they will change within the next 3 years
Technolution B.V.
Jan van der Wel
1.55 - 2.15
How to diversify and expand customer value
Multitone Electronics Plc
Ron Wray
2.15 - 2.35
Your Communication Choice, Friend of Faux?
The Wireless Messaging News
Brad Dye
2.35 - 2.50
The European Power Supply System and Systemic Risks
Herbert Saurugg
2.50 - 3.10
Data protection - key for business continuity. For trust. Kernel of customer relationship.
HewardMills Ltd., tbc
Dyann Heward-Mills
3.10 - 3.30
Some Key Input for Safety and Secure Communications
Dr. Dietmar Gollnick
3.30 - 3.45
Remote Control for Energy Distribution and New Energy Concepts
Stromnetz Berlin GmbH
Oliver Schaloske
3.45 - 4.00
Reach your Specialists IN ANY CASE
Harald Pfurtscheller
Round Table Discussion and Conclusion
Dr. Dietmar Gollnick
Dr. Dietmar Gollnick
Chairman Critical Messaging Association
Studied mathematics at Donetsk State University. Doctorate at University of Applied Sciences, Energy Institute, Moscow. PhD, Worked in various software development management positions, e.g. CEO of a Daimler IT division. After that with liberalisation of telecommunications in Special Mobile Radio (SMR) industry. CEO RegioKom Berlin/Deutschland. 2000: Co-founder of the e*Message Wireless Information Services Group. CEO. Participation in WGs of European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and Conférence Européenne des Administrations des Postes et des Télécommunications (CEPT) Since mid-1990s, various board functions in SMR associations (igb e.V. – Trunked Radio, PM e.V.- Professional Mobile Radio) Since 2017 Board of Directors ZOES (Future Forum Public Safety) at German Parliament Bundestag Since 2019 Chairman of worldwide CMA (Critical Messaging Association)
Roy Pottle
Roy Pottle
Chairman and CEO of American Messaging Services LLC USA
With over 35 years of experience, American Messaging is one of the largest critical messaging companies in the United States, and the largest privately-owned company focused exclusively on critical messaging
Jan van der Wel
Jan van der Wel
CEO Technolution / TNL Group, Netherlands
Founded Technolution / TNL in 1987 with three other enthusiastic techies. His bachelors degree studies were about mechanics, electronics en embedded software. In 1983 he graduated on the subject communication systems for home land security services, using Intel 8085 microprocessors. HIs first job was about systems engineering of greenhouse control systems that controlled the entire climate/ecosystem within these facilities including feeding and watering the crops. Technolution has grown to about 240+ bachelor and master degree skilled techies with offices in Europe and USA. They are passionated to design and build sound technical systems and products that include electronics, logic and software. Products and systems include advanced stand-alone products to complete national IoT based control systems that require governance based on legislation and (cyber) security
Ron Wray
Ron Wray
Technical and Marketing Director at Multitone Electronics plc, UK
Multitone Electronics PLC is an international telecommunications company with extensive experience in critical communications and infrastructure deployment. With UK manufacturing and logistics centres, Multitone specialises in the development and delivery of bespoke, highly resilient, integrated messaging solutions and critical communications.
Brad Dye
Brad Dye
Paging and Wireless Messaging Consultant
Editor of Wireless Messaging News, a free weekly newsletter about wireless messaging, located in Fairlielf, IL, USA
Herbert Saurugg
Herbert Saurugg
Internatoinaler Blackout- und Krisenvorsorgeexperte, Präsident der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Krisenvorsorge (www.gfkv.at)
Internationaler Blackout- und Krisenvorsorgeexperte, Präsident der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Krisenvorsorge (GfKV), Autor zahlreicher Fachpublikationen sowie gefragter Keynote-Speaker und Interviewpartner zum Thema „ein europaweiter Strom-, Infrastruktur- sowie Versorgungsausfall (‚Blackout‘)“. Er beschäftigt sich seit 10 Jahren mit der steigenden Komplexität und Fragilität lebenswichtiger Infrastrukturen sowie mit den möglichen Lösungsansätzen, wie die Versorgung mit lebenswichtigen Gütern wieder robuster gestaltet werden kann. Er betreibt unter www.saurugg.net einen umfangreichen Fachblog und unterstützt Gemeinden, Unternehmen und Organisationen bei der Blackout-Vorsorge
Dyann Heward-Mills
Dyann Heward-Mills
Founder and CEO HewardMills, Ethics Expert, Research and Innovation at European Commission
HewardMills offers consultancy support to internal Data Protection Officers and acts as an outsourced DPO
Oliver Schaloske
Oliver Schaloske
Asset-Management TechIT, Stromnetz Berlin GmbH
Stromnetz Berlin steuert jeden Tag 24 Stunden das Stromnetz und sorgt dafür, dass überall so viel Strom zur Verfügung steht, wie benötigt wird. Gestaltung und Entwicklung des Netzes für eine sichere Stromversorgung in der Zukunft. Als Messstellenbetreiber Zurverfügungstellung digitaler Zähler sowie die Ablesung und die Abrechnung der Netzentgelte. Für das Land Berlin Betrieb der öffentlichen Straßenbeleuchtung und Beratung von Interessent*innen zu Elektromobilität, insbesondere der Ladeinfrastruktur.
Harald Pfurtscheller
Harald Pfurtscheller
CTO Swissphone Wireless AG