Dr. Dietmar GollnickChairman Critical Messaging Association
Studied mathematics at Donetsk State University. Doctorate at University of Applied Sciences, Energy Institute, Moscow. PhD,
Worked in various software development management positions, e.g. CEO of a Daimler IT division. After that with liberalisation of telecommunications in Special Mobile Radio (SMR) industry.
CEO RegioKom Berlin/Deutschland. 2000: Co-founder of the e*Message Wireless Information Services Group. CEO.
Participation in WGs of European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and Conférence Européenne des Administrations des Postes et des Télécommunications (CEPT)
Since mid-1990s, various board functions in SMR associations (igb e.V. – Trunked Radio, PM e.V.- Professional Mobile Radio)
Since 2017 Board of Directors ZOES (Future Forum Public Safety) at German Parliament Bundestag
Since 2019 Chairman of worldwide CMA (Critical Messaging Association) -
Martin TheuerwecklProject Head Mobile Comms. Notruf Niederösterreich GmbH. Control Center St. Pölten
Varty Apanosian and Adam PriceRegional Directors, Secure Messaging, Mawah, New Jersey and San Diego, California
#CMASummit22 “Safety by 2nd Infrastructure”
After the great success of our Summit series in 2021, we will continue in 2022 with our first Summit on June 28th.
From the point of view of security, cost-effectiveness and modularity, redundant – including mobile – structures are superior to others. Manufacturers, solution providers, operators and users report on the devices and services they have created and used. And about the stony path to convincing offers and how to remove the obstacles through the interaction of different technologies.
Further details will be published soon.
Hourly Schedule
- 13.00 - 13.05
- Introduction
- 13.05 - 13.20
- Railways vs. airship: NOT "OR" but "AND". Collaboration of communication tools
Chairman Critical Messaging Association
- 13.20 - 13.45
- Critical Communications World Vienna. Last week and the technology offer. From our members there.
- 13.45 - 14.15
- Public Safety. Call to place of incidence. Communicate at place of incidence. Different needs. Different technologies. One leading service provider.
Martin Theuerweckl
- 14.15 - 14.45
- US Hospital Case Studies - Secure, Critical Communication
Varty Apanosian and Adam Price
- 14.45 - 15.15
- Discussion round. The OR or the AND? A cellular phone is commodity? What does it mean for the other wireless players? Fashion against safety and security in critical communications?
- 15.15 - 15.30
- Redundant critical communications available in municipality - less insurance costs. Higher safety and security matters in terms of money.
Idea: Jim Nelson. Short info by moderator.
- 15.30 - 16.00
- Freedom of service choice for critical messaging - fulfilling customer request.
Impuls: moderator. After: opinion exchange.
- 16.00 - 16.15
- Final remarks. See you in Paris in September. Drafting impulses for Paris. Who wants to speak? Preparing next.