#CMABerlin23 “Shout the Message Out”
Speeches and pictures are online. Log into your account to view or download.
Shout the Message Out. It’s about Mission and Business Critical Messages
The pricing is organized in three modules with singular prices. There is also an Early Bird discount until September 4th. Be quick and check this out, it’s worth it.
B | Conference
Sep. 26th – 28th
Inkl. four breaks, midday lunch, one evening “Prestige Dinner” on Sep. 27th.
Regular prices
350 € (1st participant of an organisation)
250 € (each following participant)
50% discount for CMA members
Early Bird
75% (each participant)
0 € for CMA members
P | Berlin and More - the other Site
Sep. 28th – afternoon
Incl. Things which are so different for Berlin. (wait for more Info.), Transport 2 ways.
Regular price
100 € (each participant)
Early Bird
75% (each participant)
M | Museumsinsel
Sep. 29th
Incl. guided tour, bus from hotel (1 way)
Regular price
50 € (each participant)
Early Bird
75% (each participant)
Our sponsors this year in Berlin:

American Messaging

Hourly Schedule
Tuesday 26, September
Part I | CM: World is changing. Critical Communication needed more than ever.
- 13.15
- Welcome from Future Forum Public Safety (ZOES) at German Bundestag
Albrecht Broemme
- 13.35
- Safety and Communications TODAY and TOMORROW.
- Questions to Albrecht Broemme, Chairman ZOES, Hon. Pres. Federal Agency THW
- All and Chairman CMA
Part II | CM: Innovations in Paging, Cellular and More
- 14.00
- CMA Members: Last year Innovations: Not only Paging.
- 14.05
- Incident Management: State of the Art. To Dos.
Graeme Hull
- 14.30
- Market request and great success: MultiChannel.
David Villacastin, José Costa
- 15.00
- Break
Sören Hantke
- 15.30
- Much more than MultiChannel.
- 15.55
- Focus Groups for our Services. Latest Development
Madelene Persson
- 16.20
- View from Milano. User and Product Groups.
Sara Isoardo
- 16.45
- List of Innovations. It’s not only Paging. It‘s not only MultiChannel.
- Discussion Round; Draft Summary
- 17.15
- Kick Off Working Groups.
Angelo Saccoccia, David Villacastin, Johan Buschgens
- 18.30
- Association Meeting
- Only for Members
- 19.30
- End of Working Day.
Wednesday 27, September
Part III | Growing Business. Value of Traces and Diversification.
- 9.00
- View „from somewhere else“. Innovation and change.
Christoph Schillo
- 9.30
- Technology solutions for our users. Our growth.
Roy Pottle
- 10.00
- When the Message counts. Convince the Customer.
- Speaker from Multitone, UK
- 10.30
- Break
- 11.00
- Message is delivered. Customers agree.
Jim Nelson
- 11.30
- Market View: Different? Common? For press?
- Round Table - all
- 12.15
- Lunch Break
- 13.30
- Working Groups
- (1) Message, (2) Get the Message Out, (3) Topicality of CM, (4) Technology - Differentiators, Part of Critical Communication World and Move(s) -
Part IV | Broader View: Status. Next steps in Mission Critical Communication.
- 15.00
- European Point of View. Mission Critical over Cellular
Charlotte Roesener
- 15.25
- Paging important part in Belgium PubSafety Comms
Johan Buschgens
- 15.50
- Notruf Lower Austria: Requests and our Answers
Martin Theuerweckl
- 16.15
- Very short Working Break
- 16.30
- The most lively discussion imaginable: what happens next. Standards. Innovation. Participation. Competition. Resilience. Costs. Risks.
- Speakers and all
- 17.40
- Evening Day 2
- Joint Start: Berlin. Overview in the truest sense of the word. After: In the middle. Spinning nets. Networking Dinner and a little bit more. Room for Information, Networking and tasty food and drink. For all Participants
Thursday 28, September
Part V | CM: What the Users say: Proven Solutions. And Requirements.
- 8.45
- Intro and idea of this part.
- 9.00
- Reminder from Sweden. Need of functionality.
Madelene Persson
- 9.10
- Legacy paging systems importance. Hybrid alerting
Joost Eerland
- 9.30
- Needed from you and from others. Opinion.
Linda Cox, Simon Fidler
- 9.50
- Distributors Point of View
Brian Bonneville
- 10.10
- Our wishes related to wireless comms.
- Guest from Stromnetz Berlin, Germany
- 10.45
- Round Table – know and follow the requirements.
- 11.15
- Very short break
- 11.30
- Working Group Messages
- WG Representatives
- 12.30
- Final Remarks
- All, Dietmar Gollnick
- 13.00
- End of Parts I – V of the Conference.
Part VI | Berlin and Communication. History. Sightseeing. Why was that?
- 14.15
- Berlin. Lack of communication separates. Secure communication connects. History. Sights. Power. Traffic. More. By Bus, Boat and More.
- (For additional small payment.)
Friday 29, September
Part VII | Island of Museums. Communication Focus.
- 9.30
- Βωμός τῆς Περγάμου: In October they will close for years. Don’t miss world famous Pergamon.
- Start from Hotel (On demand. For additional small payment.)