New Home for Critical Communication

CMA Homepage Screenshot
  • The board of directors is releasing the new website of the Critical Messaging Association.
  • More important than ever in coronavirus times: The connection through unique content is being reinforced.
  • A hidden beginning of a wider culture of publications.

Berlin, September 2020: Unforeseen developments, unpredictable communication, changes in behaviours:

The Arlington Report on the communication on 11 September 2001, the report on the hearings of the City of London after the events referred to as ‘the London bombings’ in 2007, the lessons from the 2016 terrorist attacks in Brussels. Communication while working from home and quarantining, remote alerting in the coronavirus era – all of these examples underscore the fact that mobile phones alone cannot be the only solution for communication in extreme situations.

The General Assembly of the worldwide Critical Messaging Association decided on 7 November 2019, before the coronavirus crisis, to promote and inform about alternative and hybrid transmission routes via special mobile communication networks. Anyone who is interested should know that cellular mobile phone networks and the development towards 5G also pose additional challenges. And if they exist ‘only’ in the network infrastructure to be shared due to high costs because of the high number of required sites. An independent alternative mobile infrastructure – even one with other or limited features – is extremely important. We have to stop dreaming.

The CMA set up working groups during the General Assembly. Working Group 3 dealt with basic documents and white papers on communication in critical situations. The first documents are now ready. Vincent Delpont, Angelo Saccoccia and Klaas Lok were key contributors within the group, from member companies in France, Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Two of the documents are titled:

  1. Keep it easy – it should work: Resisting the trend of making mobile solutions even more complicated and complex
  2. Exploring the potential of the three radio technologies for alerting: Investigating three approaches to alerting relief workers.

With the publication of the start sections of these and other articles, the new website of the CMA organisation was launched in the course of daily operations. Initially focused on content delivery, more documents are gradually being added. The next release will also include a stronger visualisation, despite the fact that in the technical environment, the one thing that matters most: facts and learning from the history of critical events.

The new website can be accessed at

In addition to the Services area, where the above documents are highlighted among others, the Events area also deserves particular attention. It contains many of the presentations from recent CMA Summits that were held both  online and on site.

About the Critical Messaging Association:
The Critical Messaging Association (CMA) is the industry association for companies dedicated to the wireless delivery of time-sensitive, critical messages in Europe, the Americas and Australia. Our members include network operators, manufacturers and other organisations whose common goal is to deliver reliable, – among others – point-to-multipoint simulcast technology and integrated messaging solutions and other support for critical and non-critical communications.

Members of the Board:
Dr. Dietmar Gollnick (Germany, e*Message W.I.S)
Linda Cox (UK, Pagers Direct)
Jim Nelson (USA, Prism-IPX Systems)
Kirk Alland (USA, Unication)
Angelo Saccoccia (Switzerland, Swissphone )
David Villacastin (France, TPL Systemes)

Gabriele Deska
Tel: +49 30 4171-1511

Social Media:
More Info about CMA Summits:

Press Contact:
Christof Kaplanek
Hoschke & Consorten Public Relations GmbH
Tel: +49 40 36 90 50-38

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