With #CMASummit21 Series – Critical Messaging – from Reality to the Future

- First partial conference in May 2021
Berlin, April 9th, 2021
The board of the Critical Messaging Association has decided on a series of half-day conferences on the specific issues of professional security-related communication. The first event will take place on May 18, 2021 and will be dedicated to the topic of Public Safety. With experts, CMA members and leading representatives of those responsible for the communication of the security forces from the countries of the members, i.e. from the USA, Europe and Australia, as well as speakers including high-level ones, academia and industry, gladly going beyond. The preparations and, in particular, the calls for substantive participation will be followed especially on the account http://bit.ly/CMA_LinkedInA.
The first event – as presumably also the two following ones on the topics “Warning” and “Industry and Control” will take place as a video-based conference.
Experts will present their views on effectively ensuring and enhancing technical safety communications. Focus on linking reality, risk assessment, mobile infrastructure independence, among others.
Users of governmental or related to governmental infrastructures described how the challenge, in particular, of summoning emergency responders is being met and will be met today and in the future and a roundtable discussion will provide an opportunity for attendees to ask questions of the presenters and for discussion.
Everyone who is interested in these themes is invited to participate in this conference. The exact registration modalities – how and when to register – and all further information will be announced at a later date and will be published on our homepage https://www.critmsg.org.
About the Critical Messaging Association:
The Critical Messaging Association (CMA) is the industry association for companies dedicated to the wireless delivery of time-sensitive, critical messages in Europe, the Americas and Australia. Our members include network operators, manufacturers and other organisations whose common goal is to deliver reliable, – among others – point-to-multipoint simulcast technology and integrated messaging solutions and other support for critical and non-critical communications.
Abbreviation for Narrowband Point-to-Multipoint. Terminology from the ETSI and CEPT
document (see also the CMA Services homepage www.critmsg.org) NP2M-Incarnation is
Members of the Board:
Dr. Dietmar Gollnick (Germany, e*Message W.I.S)
Linda Cox (UK, Pagers Direct)
Jim Nelson (USA, Prism-IPX Systems)
Kirk Alland (USA, Unication)
Angelo Saccoccia (Switzerland, Swissphone )
David Villacastin (France, TPL Systemes)
Ron Wray (UK, Multitone)
Jurgen Poels (Belgium, ASTRID)
Gabriele Deska
Tel: +49 30 4171-1511
Email: tell.us@critmsg.org
Social Media: https://twitter.com/CMA_wld
More Info about CMA Summits: http://bit.ly/CMA_Summits_1